Resisting the Narrative: Syrian Refugees Challenge the Push for Return

The narrative of Syria being safe for refugees to return is gaining traction, fueling anti-refugee sentiments and leading to dehumanizing policies and practices, despite clear evidence that the country is not yet safe to return. In response, Upinion, in its partnership with the Refugee Watch Coalition, published its third annual report on the conditions inside Syria and Lebanon, emphasizing the deteriorating situation in Lebanon and the need for safe and dignified solutions.

Upinion’s large online communities consisting of Syrian refugees, Palestinians, and Lebanese host communities – called U-panels – have played a crucial role in portraying the day-to-day circumstances related to such ‘push factors’ which risks pushing Syrians to return prematurely. This has resulted in their voices reaching EU and UN member states, UN agencies, (I)NGOs, think tanks, and local Lebanese and Syrian NGOs, leading to stronger advocacy and better decision-making. Read more in our blog below: