
  • Political Goals over Moral Obligations: Europe’s Troubled Response in the Mediterranean

    Political Goals over Moral Obligations: Europe’s Troubled Response in the Mediterranean

    🔎 New Blog Alert! ❕ So far this year, the Libyan Coast Guard has intercepted over 5,750 people, often subjecting them to torture, extortion, and sexual abuse in detention centers, as well as more than 1000 people lost their lives or went missing in the Mediterranean sea. Europe’s focus on restrictive measures raises concerns about…

  • Political Goals over Moral Obligations: Europe’s Troubled Response in the Mediterranean

    The issue of irregular migration has plagued the Mediterranean region in recent years, with Libya serving as a major transit point for individuals desperately seeking safety, security, and livelihoods. However, despite the harrowing stories, countless deaths, and the deteriorating situation in Libya and other African countries, Europe’s response has been primarily focused on curbing migration…