
  • Field trip in Lebanon: meeting youth in Qaa!

    Field trip in Lebanon: meeting youth in Qaa!

    Upinion’s team is currently on a field trip in Lebanon – one of the countries where it has a large, active online community. Our conversations with youth, refugee, and women-led organisations, representing all nationalities and from all over Lebanon, have been providing us with valuable feedback on our online platform, the topics that are being…

  • Resisting the Narrative: Syrian Refugees Challenge the Push for Return

    Resisting the Narrative: Syrian Refugees Challenge the Push for Return

    The narrative of Syria being safe for refugees to return is gaining traction, fueling anti-refugee sentiments and leading to dehumanizing policies and practices, despite clear evidence that the country is not yet safe to return. In response, Upinion, in its partnership with the Refugee Watch Coalition, published its third annual report on the conditions inside…

  • Resisting the Narrative: Syrian Refugees Challenge the Push for Return

    Growing narratives that depict Syria as safe and ready for return are gaining traction across Syrian refugee-hosting countries. A new discourse has emerged that does not only fuel anti-refugee sentiments; it also encourages governments and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of forcibly displaced communities, to develop and…

  • Hidden Hardship: 1 Year Living in Forced Displacement for Refugees from Ukraine

    Hidden Hardship: 1 Year Living in Forced Displacement for Refugees from Ukraine

    “One year on and with no end in sight to this conflict, it is the policies that are laid down now that will determine the future of refugees and the communities who host them in neighbouring countries,” said Carlo Gherardi, NRC’s Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe. Upcoming Friday marks one year since the…

  • Upinion X Bopinc: Clean Green Latrines

    Upinion X Bopinc: Clean Green Latrines

    Upinion and NGO partner Bopinc investigated how people in urban #Bangladesh deal with their shit – quite literally. Read the below article on an interesting impact assessment! Clean Green Latrines: Delivering impactful sanitation services

  • Alarming situation for Afghan refugees in Türkiye

    Alarming situation for Afghan refugees in Türkiye

    One year after the Taliban’s violent take-over in Afghanistan, Upinion and its partner 11.11.11, the Belgian umbrella organization of International Solidarity, show in a new report that the situation of Afghan refugees in Türkiye is alarming and requires immediate attention by the international community. References to the findings of the Upinion conversation were made in…

  • Little Faith in Parliamentary Elections

    Little Faith in Parliamentary Elections

    Both ahead of and right after the parliamentary elections in Lebanon last May, Upinion and partners of the RPW coalition gauged its community of Lebanese and Syrians nationals’ perceptions for the future and experiences on voting day. Results reveal the very little faith in government responsibilities, the expected increase in tensions, and unprecedented financial hardships…

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Willingness in the Sahel Region

    COVID-19 Vaccine Willingness in the Sahel Region

    What do we actually know about people’s perceptions of COVID-19 and the vaccine in African countries? Upinion and Mercy Corps’ Crisis Analytics team decided to talk to the people themselves, and conducted an online conversation with 1862 individuals from Mali and Burkina Faso, and to a lesser extent Niger, in the winter and spring 2021/2022.…

  • Put a halt to forcible returns of Syrian refugees from Türkiye

    Put a halt to forcible returns of Syrian refugees from Türkiye

    Since 2011, the political and economic situation in Türkiye has undergone drastic changes, which has resulted in an increasingly hostile public opinion against refugees. 11.11.11 and Upinion conducted an online conversation with 944 Syrian refugees in Türkiye to gauge their perception on existing pressures and their living conditions in the country.

  • Syrian CSO consultations for the Sixth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” on 9/10 May 2022

    For the third year in a row, Upinion has conducted the online consultations among Syrian civil society representatives, activists, journalists, and interested individuals, that precede and inform the annual Brussels Conference. While Upinion acknowledges the ongoing need for face-to-face engagement with Syrian civil society, the online consultations still provided 1.277 representatives from civil society organizations…