“Listen to us” – Affected people reimagining feedback – Upinion’s session at HNPW 2024
We’re thrilled to share that Upinion, together with CDAC Network, will be hosting the session ‘“Listen to us” – Affected people reimagining feedback’ at the Humanitarians Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW)! But that’s not all – we’re not going alone. We will be joined digitally by our vibrant communities from Yemen, Lebanon, and Türkiye. Together,…
Global Refugee Forum 2023: Meaningful participation of refugees?
Susan Fratzke and Hannes Einsporn‘s article underscores the significance of refugee participation in policy decisions, especially during the 2023 Global Refugee Forum (GRF): “The lack of participation of refugees and their organisations in how policies are made and programs are designed and delivered is an important barrier to more effective, efficient, and legitimate solutions”. At Upinion, we’re committed…
Putting Syrian Refugees Centre Stage – Refugee Protection Watch
📣 New publication-alert! A recent online conversation with the refugee community highlights that despite the aim of UNHCR to “employ participatory methodologies” and “promote feedback and response systems”, a majority of Syrian refugees in Lebanon do not feel or only feel somewhat included in decision-making processes and feedback mechanisms. Together with partners of the Refugee…
Refugee Protection Watch’s Call to Action: Making ‘Accountability to Affected Populations’ Reality in Humanitarian Response
In response to persistent criticism regarding the limited agency of affected populations, the notion of “Accountability to Affected Populations” (AAP) has risen to the forefront of reform efforts in the humanitarian sector. Consequently, it has been outlined in various agreements in recent years, including the 2015 “Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability”, the “Participatory…
Refugee Protection Watch’s Call to Action: Making ‘Accountability to Affected Populations’ Reality in Humanitarian Response
Despite increasing commitments and standards to the notion of ‘Accountability to Affected Populations’, its implementation has been proven challenging for the aid sector’s prominent actors. This is no exception for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, as Upinion’s engagement with Syrian refugees in Lebanon clearly illustrates a disconnect between people’s perceptions and the humanitarian organisation’s intentions to…
HNPW 2023: Real-time engagement of Upinion’s community members
We are excited that our Syrian community from Lebanon has the chance to participate real-time during the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) and have a seat at the table about this urgent matter. We are looking forward to a meaningful participation! Let this be one of many to come ✨More information on the event…